Are you constantly tired? | tips against fatigue during the day

Do you feel tired and overwhelmed despite the fact that you haven't done much? It would be ideal to feel exhausted just in the evening before going to bed, but this is rarely the case. exhaustion has numerous causes and triggers. but what causes daily exhaustion and when should you see a doctor?

Are you constantly tired? | tips against fatigue during the day

What causes persistent weariness in regular life?

Fatigue tells the body that it needs to rest and recover, yet feeling limp, listless, and exhausted all the time is frustrating. Unfortunately, determining the reason and resolving the issue is not always simple. Because there can be a variety of causes for chronic fatigue, ranging from innocuous to dangerous.

Factors that can cause weariness in ordinary life include:

  • Sleep: The most common cause of persistent tiredness is because people have slept too little, too restlessly, or too briefly, causing their bodies to not recover correctly. Shift work, for example, is a significant risk factor.
  • Diet: Many people may feel dull at noon after sitting for a long time and possibly eating a lot. Fatigue might occur even if you drink too little and eat too tiny meals.
  • activity: Excessive or insufficient activity, such as a day of climbing in the mountains or a day spent lounging on the couch, will exhaust you.
  • Indoor air: There is sometimes a dearth of fresh air in closed rooms, which causes weariness. This is not, as is commonly supposed, due to a shortage of oxygen, but rather to an excessive amount of carbon dioxide in the breathing air.
  • Infections: Fatigue can also be caused by a slowly developing infection. Those affected in this scenario feel feeble because their bodies are fighting viruses or other pathogens.
  • Overweight: Excess body weight can put a strain on the body and cause weariness.
  • Weather factors, such as prolonged heat, can also exhaust the body.

When is it no longer harmless to be constantly tired?

The causes of chronic weariness are not always innocuous. It could also be due to infections, deficient symptoms, or medicine adverse effects.

Diseases that can cause constant fatigue

Fatigue is also a common side effect of mental diseases such as depression or burnout.

Other disorders that might cause chronic fatigue include:

  • migraine, multiple sclerosis, and dementia are examples of neurological illnesses.
  • Internal ailments such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, renal inflammation, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Allergies
  • Sleep apnea
  • cancer - while fatigue can be a side effect of treatment
  • Long-Covid after surviving a corona infection

Tiresome medications

Drugs, in particular, are potential sloughers.

  • Antihypertensive
  • Painkillers
  • Migraine medication or allergy medication

Lack of important minerals

Fatigue can be caused by a vitamin B12, iron, or folic acid deficit.

What prevents short-term weariness during the day?

Simple strategies can be used if you are always weary for innocuous reasons.These fatigue prevention tips may be useful: 

  • If you are fatigued from working at your desk in the poorly ventilated workplace, you can open the window wide and ventilate it, and if feasible, reward yourself to a short power nap.
  • Exercise, such as going for a walk outside or doing some gymnastics in the workplace, is even better. Stretching or stretching is frequently beneficial.
  • Applying cold water to your cheeks or arms will also improve your mood. Alternating showers are much more effective at increasing circulation.
  • Dehydration, or a lack of water in the body, can cause or worsen fatigue, but it can also alleviate it.
  • In the short term, drinks and foods such as coffee, guarana, and green tea can help you wake up.

When should you see a doctor if you are constantly tired?

If the typical methods in ordinary life do not relieve weariness, it is time to see a doctor. Even if exhaustion limits your physical and mental condition in daily life and work, you frequently doze off during the day, and there are few waking, cheerful phases, these are reasons to see a doctor. Only in this manner may a dangerous disease be identified or ruled out. 

The doctor will inquire about your exhaustion symptoms and clarify questions such as:

  • Is weariness new and strange to you?
  • How much of an impact does it have on daily life?
  • Are there any pre-existing conditions that could contribute to exhaustion or sleep issues? 
It is often helpful to keep a journal of the appearance of weariness to determine the specific cause.

If the anamnesis reveals indicators of a possible cause, such as blood pressure variations, further tests are performed. The onerous weariness can subsequently be relieved by treating the underlying condition.

Tips against fatigue

  • Restful sleep: First and foremost, you should make an effort to sleep well and sufficiently at night. Avoid factors that disrupt your sleep. For example, you should not watch TV while sleeping because the sounds disturb your sleep.
  • Regular exercise: Go for a walk or ride your bike to get some exercise. To excite the brain, it is sometimes sufficient to climb a staircase during a lunch break or to perform a few gymnastic exercises.
  • Cold water: A cold shower or a few splashes of cold water on the face will help you feel refreshed and awake, at least for a short time.
  • Powernap: A short nap during the day, lasting no more than 20 minutes, relaxes and boosts performance.
  • A healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, as well as at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, will help reduce weariness.
  • Yoga, meditation, and other relaxation exercises can help you reduce stress and sleep better at night.

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